
Is ChatGPT the next industrial revolution? The article “AI for Life: Trends in Artificial
Intelligence for Biotechnology” by Andreas Holzinger analyzes the benefits that artificial
intelligence has on the development of new solutions to solve global problems in health and
well-being, food security, and agriculture. With the recent advancements in artificial intelligence, much skepticism has been made regarding its ethics and reliability. However, research indicates a significant improvement in diagnoses and imaging in healthcare and even more potential in crop optimization. This article addresses the research involved with these advancements in healthcare and agriculture.
In healthcare, AI can accelerate diagnoses with much more precision than a human.
Incorporating artificial intelligence into drug identification, drug screening, image screening, and predictive modeling can be faster, more accurate, and more cost-effective. Through various AI-driven programs, the identification of therapeutics and diseases can be quicker than ever.
Additionally, diagnoses through CT scans and MRIs can be instantly determined/analyzed with precision through DL algorithms that “automatically segment and classify structures in medical images.” More potential can be seen in agriculture and improving the nutrition of food through predictive modeling, disease and pest management, environmental monitoring, and resource/inventory management. Data captured by drones can be run through AI programs such as Computer Vision and DL algorithms to improve the monitoring of crop and soil health, as well as predict various environmental changes that could affect crops and optimize the nutrient cycle.
In turn, providing an increase in food security and maximization of the purity/nutrition of crops. Overall, the recent advancements in artificial intelligence can improve many facets of both healthcare and agriculture, as well as many other industries around the world.
Holzinger A, Keiblinger K, Holub P, Zatloukal K, Müller H. AI for life: Trends in artificial intelligence for biotechnology.N Biotechnol. 2023;74:16-24. doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2023.02.001