Aishani Vengala - Department of Pediatrics

In pediatric cardiac surgery, the choice between restrictive and liberal red blood cell (RBC) transfusion strategies is a critical decision that affects patient outcomes. Restrictive transfusion strategies use lower hemoglobin thresholds for transfusions, whereas liberal strategies use higher thresholds. This meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis aimed to compare the effects of these two strategies on pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery. This patient sample included both cyanotic and non-cyanotic children. Cyanotic, referring to bluish skin discoloration, occurs when there are low oxygen levels in the blood. Five randomized controlled trials with 497 children were analyzed, revealing no significant difference in in-hospital mortality between the two strategies. Additionally, there were no significant differences in infection rates, blood loss, duration of mechanical ventilation, pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay, or overall hospital stay. Cyanotic children treated with a liberal transfusion strategy had a shorter ventilator duration, but the transfusion strategy did not affect other outcomes. The study underscores the need for clearer transfusion guidelines tailored to this specific patient population.
Despite the apparent safety of restrictive transfusion strategies, the data from the included studies were insufficient to draw definitive conclusions. The trial sequential analysis indicated that the current evidence is limited, and more high-quality, large-scale studies are necessary. The meta-analysis highlighted that a restrictive transfusion strategy reduces the required number of transfusions without increasing adverse outcomes. However, the lack of significant differences in major outcomes suggests that both strategies could be viable, depending on individual patient needs. For cyanotic children, a liberal transfusion strategy may offer some benefits, such as shorter ventilator duration, but further research is needed to confirm these findings and optimize transfusion practices in pediatric cardiac surgery.
Duan ZX, Chen DX, Yang BZ, Zhang XQ. Transfusion Strategies for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis. Pediatr Cardiol. 2021;42(6):1241-1251. doi:10.1007/s00246-021-02644-8
Edited by AJ Jenkins - Surgical Section Editor